I read a nice article in a back issue of SUCCESS Magazine by Rochester's own Melissa Balman from the UofR. She talked about finding solace in simple, small, often momentary beauty during your day - which can be carried into the rest of your daily life such as work or family time. These moments can boost your health, make you more productive, and even help you stay healthier.

She surveyed people in her network who listed their personal moments of awe or wonder such as: Seeing a new leaf growing, watching a sleeping baby, petting your dog, the silence that you can feel after a winter snowfall, and listening to the perfect song at the perfect time. They also say you can't be angry and grateful at the same time so maybe a little more gratitude in the form awareness is all we need in this fast-paced world.

So I pass this poll along to you... what tiny thing do you appreciate in your life that makes everything else worth while? For me it is coming home from a long day at work and being happily greeted at the door by a loyal dog with a wagging tail. I think its time for an adventure.